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According to Shonubi, the Sahara Group is committed to a green and efficient future.



Sahara Group, a leading energy and infrastructure conglomerate, has reaffirmed its commitment to promoting generational sustainability through the strategic greening of its businesses in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.

According to a statement by Sahara Group Limited’s Head of Corporate Communications, Mr. Bethel Obioma, the Executive Director, Temitope Shonubi, stated that Sahara has responded positively to its global sustainability targets through continuous review of the company’s operations and impact.

“At Sahara Group, we are more than just a company. Making a difference (MAD) responsibly through every thought, plan, action, and reaction, we inspire a green efficient future for future generations. “The indomitable spirit of Sahara, as well as our ‘bridge and catalyst’ mindset for creating the extraordinary from the mundane and providing bespoke services for all markets, was the driving force behind the significant sustainability gains we achieved in 2021,” Shonubi said in the statement.


According to Shonubi, through the activities, Sahara has taken deliberate steps to better control its sources of greenhouse gas emissions, improve the efficiency of the Group’s power consumption, and manage its environmental footprint in accordance with globally accepted best practices.

According to him, by 2021, Sahara will have effectively managed its impact within host communities by establishing acceptable and consistent standards for initiating and implementing long-term community development programs.

“Furthermore, through our employee volunteer program, we also provide our employees with the opportunity to be fully engaged and meaningfully contribute to community development.” “More than 170 Sahara employees from Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East have volunteered for the Foundation’s sustainable development projects,” he added.


According to the statement, Ejiro Gray, Director of Governance and Sustainability at Sahara Group, the ideals of social responsibility, environmental impact management, and transparent and accountable governance underpin the Sahara Group’s sustainability initiatives.

Gray stated that Sahara is constantly looking for ways to improve energy efficiency in its operations, reduce emissions from power plants, preserve biodiversity, manage waste in a sustainable manner, and instill an environmental stewardship culture in its employees.

“In 2021, for example, one of our businesses used our Intelligent Data Box (IDB), which analyzes energy consumption independently, increasing our energy efficiency and lowering losses in a quantifiable way.” “In addition, investments in energy-saving light bulbs (LED) were made, and awareness was raised about the need for more efficient energy/power usages,” she said.


Gray stated that the foregoing had continued to produce positive results across the Group’s power operations.

“All of this demonstrates our determination to track our energy consumption at every level and to incorporate efficiency into the way we generate and use power.” Furthermore, as part of our efforts to preserve biodiversity, we planted over 1,000 trees in various communities across Nigeria during the reporting period, with plans to expand tree planting in subsequent years,” she added.

Gray stated that the Sahara Foundation, the energy conglomerate’s social sustainability vehicle, had remained steadfast in its commitment to influencing people’s lives and livelihoods through its focus on ensuring a sustainable environment and energy access.


“The Sahara Green Life Initiative, Catch Them Young & Curious (CTYC)/ Sahara Science Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (Sahara STEAMers) Programme, Sahara Technical Regenerator Program (STRP), Africa Renewable Energy Forum, and Sahara Impact Fund, which provides seed funding for young African social innovators,” she said.

The Sahara Group 2021 Sustainability Report was created in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) requirements, and it covers the following Sahara Group business lines: Midstream Operations – Sahara Trade, Upstream Operations – Asharami Energy (AE), Downstream Operations – Asharami Synergy (AS), Power (Generation and Distribution) – Egbin Power (EP), First Independent Power Limited (FIPL), and Ikeja Electric.

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