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An inaugural lecture of Federal University Otuoke



TRACKING >>The Federal University, Otuoke (FUO), is one of nine new Federal Universities established by the Federal Government of Nigeria in February 2011. The university is located in the heart of the oil-rich Niger-Delta Region of Bayelsa State.

It is in Otuoke, in Ogbia Local Government which is the hometown of the former President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. Of course, FUO was established by the administration of Jonathan. With about two Faculties then, the faculty of Humanities/ Social Sciences which had two departments and six programmes, and Faculty of Science which has three departments and six programmes, the university has grown so big, both in faculties and population, making the university the envy of many. FUO had an early aspiration to promote world-class and cuttingedge research in Energy and Environmental Science, Engineering and Technology, Marine Science, Human and Social Dynamics as well as Business Management and Entrepreneurial Studies.

The whole essence of establishing FUO was to mainly focus on research on oil and gas studies, energy and environment, marine and wetland studies, human dynamics and conflict resolution, entrepreneurship, which will guide the applied research and collaborative efforts as a tertiary academy geared towards the socio-economic development of the Niger Delta and of Nigeria. But in all these, among other things, the university has not had a maiden inaugural lecture although series of other lectures have been held in the university.


That was the why on the July 24, 2019, the university brought in captains of industry, professors from other universities, security personnel among others to listen to one of its own, the Deputy Vice Chancellor of the university, Professor Teddy Charles Adias, a Professor of Haematology and Blood Transfusion for the maiden inaugural lecture of the university. The theme of the inaugural lecture which was ‘blood, the convergence of science and religion’ was actually done justice to by the professor.

One may be tempted to ask the relationship between blood and religion. Giving the lecture, the erudite professor said he had carefully selected the topic because of conflicts of hypothesis and thesis of thoughts in religious and science cultures. In his lecture series he said: “The conflict of evolution brings conflict between religion and science. Science had always asked for evidence as proofs but religion is faith based. “Christians believe that the life of the flesh is in the blood and as a Christian, I believe to this declaration but as a scientist, it should be seen for the fulfillment of the routines of scientific inquest.

“The vitality of blood in the performance of duties of saving lives brings about life of that organic substances because we should appreciate the fact that man was created by items that existed before man. “The bible said that God created man from the dust. It means that there were part of the creation that God made before man was created. Man was molded from the dust and God breathed into his nostrils and he became a living soul.


It means that that item of the blood that has the capacity to transform somebody to life is the red cell. “Going further therefore, our intention in the future, we intend to look into the association in the white blood group integers. “It has been noted that those who have some specific blood group are prone to develop cancers. We need to replicate the study in our society and be able to mention the association between blood group antigens and diseases.

“We need to expand our research on the issues of these 15-15 receptor 5 which is a chemical receptor. We have done for HIV. We need to advance that for other diseases. “With these, I add that the roles are in conformity. There is an accordance in this roles.

I require no further proof. Save for that fact that the bible came far before science. Science came just yesterday to define these roles that the life of the flesh is in the blood. “In blood, a convergence is formed between science and religion. Our blood is our lives, in protecting our lives. We protect our existence and we submit to divine ordinances.


The declared convergence on the theme the blood now calls for cultural dialogue.” He professed. Professor Adias therefore advised all universal blood donors to volunteer to donate blood in hospitals, adding that that can help save the lives of dying patients.

He said blood donation is universal adding that people should volunteer to donate blood. He asked: “If we don’t donate blood, who then makes it available. What we have to learn today is that blood is a sacrifice and if we give blood, we are offering sacrifice and we are worshiping. So, let us start to donate blood.” Also disclosing that Human Immuno Deficiency virus (HIV) does not kill, he however added that it has no cure for now stating that scientists were working to finding total cure to the virus.

In his words: “As scientists, we are still working to see how we can have a cure for HIV. For now, it is only management that we are doing. There is no cure. So, nobody should deceive you. And I dare add that anybody who claims that he has cure and refuse to advertise and document it, it then means that the person is a poor man because if the person documents it, it means the person is going to be the richest man in the world. “HIV has not killed anybody in this world and it will not kill anybody. What it does is to weaken the system and we must learn to change our lifestyle and play safe on our sexual activities.”


To encourage the science students, the deputy VC announced henceforth, there would be a prize for the best graduating student in chemistry, adding that the prize was to be called Goodleaf Charles Adias memorial prize for the best graduating student in chemistry.

Earlier Professor Zeb Opubi from Rivers State University of Science and Technology defined an inaugural lecture as a body of knowledge offered by a newly appointed Professor to the university community and the general public consisting of his contributions to knowledge, past, current and ongoing, his significance to the society and eventually carving a niche for the assertion of his discipline. He said the day was very significant to the life of the inaugural lecturer because it was a milestone achievement for to the inaugural lecturer.

“A professor will desire and itch to deliver an inaugural lecture. For his family, it is a moment of fulfillment and celebration. “For the university, it is an opportunity to showcase its potentials, its competency and what it can offer the society. And for this university, it is very important because this is the maiden one.”

