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FUN TIME+18 ONLY!! How Old Were You When You Had Your First $ex, First Kiss, With Who?



Someone asked me “at what age did you lose your virginity and why?”
The question simply mean, at what age I had my first sex and of course, first kiss because the two go along.

Well, I was 15 when I first actually had sex (I dont remember much about that eventhough I know I “messed around”). And I did it with an older lady.

We didn’t kiss much as I was scared and nervous. All I could remember is that I inserted preek, ejaculated and left immediately.


Though after that day, we continued knacking till she got married and it stopped. Whenever we see each other, we always smile and move on.

What about you? Share your experience with your fellow comrades.

How Old Were You When You Had Your First $ex, First Kiss, With Who?


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