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LASTMA and power abuse



Ibekimi Oriamaja Reports

In general, people want good governance and a high standard of living. It is only natural and reasonable for government to prioritize the comfort and happiness of its citizens, regardless of its resources. LASTMA has been in existence for over two decades. The goal of origo was to help Lagosians shuttle between locations with only moderate traffic. They have not, in my opinion, been exceptional. This is not to say that they have not contributed to the ease or management of traffic in Lagos. Many travelers today complain about the same constant traffic. The root causes are understandably diverse and overlapping.

LASTMA’s birth was a beautiful move. In fact, the minds behind its creation are geniuses. Unfortunately, the officers of this noble organization are the major source of concern. To the exclusion of a few officers, many of the others are irritatingly overzealous in their enforcement. We’ve read about them and seen them wrestle with the steering wheel with an inattentive driver. When an organization is founded with a good intention, the human element is almost always a tragedy.


Furthermore, we have seen them repeatedly create the very traffic jam they were designed to manage. Sometimes, their mode of enforcement beats your imagination completely. A straightforward case requiring a common sense approach receives commando – attention. I believe we have had enough of such domineering displays.

I am aware that admistrators are occasionally challenged to use discretionary powers. When the “belly” becomes the “god,” however, issues requiring discretion are shamefully thrown out the window. It perplexes me that officers in the traffic management sector will not exercise discretion in emergency situations. Why wouldn’t the ambulance and hearse be held liable for a traffic violation? Nothing could be simpler than an emergency. The story of Modino Usman, a hypertensive patient whose death was linked to the LASTMA’s lack of discretion and abuse of power, is just one of many heartbreaking events that have been reported.

Those of us who selflessly monitor their activities are aware that they can no longer surprise us. We’ve seen enough of their devious practice of using a third party to obtain their ‘pay’ in order to avoid being directly indicted, as well as their deceptive claims of traffic violations. Believe me, just as we grew tired of SARS’s malfeasance, we are growing tired of their abuses. It is past time for them to say good-by to malfeasance and overzealousness in order to make Lagosians proud.

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