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Can you get pregnant from dry humping?



If you’re sexually active, there’s probably always the fear in the back of your mind that you might get pregnant even if you’re using protection.

You might be concerned about fingering, blowjobs, and have even dry sex. Here’s the deal about whether you can get pregnant from dry humping.

We can understand why you might be stressing about becoming pregnant even if you haven’t put the P in the V. You’ve probably heard enough stories and you don’t want to be the person who somehow ends up pregnant. However, we have to let you know what dry humping truly means.


There are slightly different forms. Most consider dry humping as doing the moves of sex without actually putting a penis in a vagina. Some might do it naked, but some might wear clothes. And some peeps might wear all their clothes while others just would wear their underwear.

With that in mind, know that the chances of getting pregnant through dry humping, aren’t likely but there’s a very small percentage it could happen.

First, think about whether bae is actually thrusting in or around the vagina. Some people might consider dry humping where bae puts just the tip or half of his penis in the vagina while wearing clothes. If he ejaculates, around the area, there is a chance you could get pregnant. The semen could go through the clothes and into your vag.


What’s more, there’s still a slim chance that you could get pregnant if bae doesn’t thrust around the vagina. If he ejaculates while you’re going through the motions, there’s that teeny tiny possibility of pregnancy. The fewer clothes you and bae wear can increase the odds. Semen can also survive outside of the body for a bit so you want to remember that fact.

To stay safe, you will want to ensure there are some layers between bae’s penis and your vagina. If bae is about to ejaculate, you should pull apart. But, know that there’s pre-ejaculate so even if he moves away there could already be some semen that has come out. If you’re wearing clothes, they will at least offer more protection than being naked.

