
47 _Years _Old Man Kills His Wife Chastising Housemaid



TRACKING____A tragedy had befell a 47-year-old man yesterday, by the name Mr. Duke Amos in Akwa Ibom state after he mistakenly killed his wife.

Mrs. Cynthia had allegedly chastised her housemaid by the name Rosemary who placed a pot of soup on fire and carelessly slept off.

According to reports she was beaten mercilessly by Cynthia, Duke’s wife, to a state of coma. Rosemary (housemaid) sustained several injuries that led her to the hospital yesterday.


However, the story wasn’t pleasing to the husband who came home to hear the story.

Reports have it that the housemaid is always maltreated, as she works her strength out on daily basis, most times she falls asleep on duty due to overwork and plenty of chores.

Mr Duke returned home and had the news that Rosemary was beaten to coma by his wife, his anger led to the death of his wife.


Many call it a spiritual manipulation on the family as Mr. Duke claimed he only slapped and pushed her to the wall for being so rude on someone’s child.

According to him he said:

I came back to hear what happened and I wasn’t comfortable because my wife is infamous in maltreatments. I only pushed her after a little argument and she gave up. I didn’t really mean to, I regret.


Mr. Duke shed tears as he now has two cases of injury and murder to take care of.

He was arraigned by the police who visited the scene due to a call from his wife’s brothers.

The world is full of evil, no one knows the day of evil, according to the neighbours, they were one happy family, but how come a little misunderstanding now marks an end to a well doing man with a 3 bedroom flat, two cars and three children.

