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Biden: we are winning



Democratic party candidate Joe Biden last night expressed confidence that he would win the election.

In a speech from his home state Delaware, Biden, who was with his running mate Senator Harris Kamala, promised to be President of all Americans. He called for calm.

Biden said: “My fellow Americans, yesterday once again proved that democracy is the heartbeat of this nation. Just as it has been the heartbeat of this nation for two centuries. And even in the face of pandemic more Americans voted this election than ever before in American history. Over 150 million people cast their votes. I think that’s just extraordinary. And if we had any doubts, we shouldn’t have any longer about a government of, by and for the people is very much alive. Very much alive in America.


“Here, the people rule. Power can’t be taken or asserted. It flows from the people. And it’s their will that determines who will be the President of the United States, and their will alone. And now, after a long night of counting it’s clear that we’re winning enough states to reach 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency.

“I’m not here to declare that we’ve won but I am here to report when the count is finished, we believe we will be the winners. Of all the votes counted, we have won Wisconsin by 20,000 votes, virtually the same margin that President Trump won that state four years ago. In Michigan, we lead by over 35,000 votes and is growing. A substantially bigger margin than President Trump won Michigan in 2016. Michigan will complete its vote soon. Maybe as early as the day. And I feel very good about Pennsylvania. Virtually all the remaining ballots to be counted were cast by mail. And we’ve been winning 78 per cent of the votes by mail in Pennsylvania.

“We’ve flipped Arizona, and the second district of Nebraska. Of special significance to me is that we’ve won with the majority of the American people. And every indication is that that majority will grow. With a popular vote lead of nearly 3 million votes and every indication is that will grow as well.


Indeed, Senator Harris and I are on track to win more votes than any ticket in the history of this country that ever won the presidency and vice-presidency–over 70 million votes. I’m very proud of our campaign. Only three presidential campaigns in the past have defeated an incumbent president. When it’s finished, God willing, we’ll be the fourth.

“This is a major achievement. This is a major achievement. It’s been a long and difficult campaign, but it’s been a more difficult time for our country. A hard time. We’ve had hard campaigns before. We’ve faced hard times before.

“So once this election is finalized and behind us, it’ll be time for us to do what we’ve always done as Americans. To put the harsh rhetoric of the campaign behind us, to lower the temperature, to see each other again, to listen to one another, to hear each other again. And respect and care for one another. To unite, to heal, to come together as a nation.


“I know this won’t be easy. I’m not naive. Neither of us are. I know how deep and hard the opposing views are in our country on so many things. But I also know this, as well. To make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as enemies. We are not enemies. What brings us together as Americans is so much stronger than anything that can tear us apart.

“So let me be clear. We are campaigning as Democrats, but I will govern as an American president. The presidency itself is not a partisan institution. It’s the one office in this nation that represents everyone, and it demands duty of care for all Americans. That is precisely what I will do. I will work as hard for those who didn’t vote for me as I will for those who did vote for me.

“Now, every vote must be counted. No one’s going to take our democracy away from us. Not now, not ever. America’s come too far. America’s fought too many battles. America’s endured too much to ever let that happen. We, the people, will not be silenced. We, the people, will not be bullied. We, the people, will not surrender.


”My friends, I’m confident we’ll emerge victorious. But this will not be my victory alone, or our victory alone. It’ll be a victory for the American people, for our democracy, for America. There will be no blue states and red states when we win, just the United States of America. God bless you all, and may God protect our troops.”

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