
Chinese President urges G20 cooperation to contain COVID-19, stabilize world economy



TRACKING___The Group of 20 (G20) major economies should uphold the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and strengthen unity, coordination and cooperation to resolutely stem the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and stabilize the world economy with all their strength, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Friday.
In a phone conversation with Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Xi noted that with the king presiding, G20 leaders successfully held an extraordinary summit on COVID-19 on Thursday, and reached important consensus on fighting the pandemic in solidarity and stabilizing the world economy, which has sent a positive signal to the international community.
China, he added, appreciates the tremendous efforts Saudi Arabia made for the meeting as this year’s G20 chair, reports Xinhua.
Viruses respect no national borders, and only with a collective response can the international community prevail over them, stressed the Chinese president, adding that China is ready to maintain close communication with Saudi Arabia and strengthen the momentum of G20 cooperation.
Xi recalled that after the coronavirus disease broke out in China, King Salman immediately expressed sympathies and support to him, and the Saudi government and various sections of Saudi society extended a helping hand one after another, and provided China with multiple batches of material assistance.
That will be engraved in the hearts of the Chinese people, Xi said, adding that the Chinese nation is a grateful nation that returns a favor with a favour.
Noting that now Saudi Arabia is also facing the severe challenge of COVID-19, Xi said China firmly supports the Saudi side in fighting the epidemic, and stands ready to provide as much assistance as its capability allows.
China, he added, is also willing to share its epidemic prevention and control experience with the Saudi side, and help Saudi Arabia purchase medical supplies, so as to protect the lives and health of the people in both countries, and jointly safeguard global and regional public health security.
Meanwhile, China is ready to join hands with Saudi Arabia to continuously enhance political mutual trust, deepen practical cooperation in various fields, and lift their comprehensive strategic partnership to new levels, said Xi.
Salman, for his part, said that the Chinese government carried out decisive and strong measures and has successfully contained the outbreak, and he highly appreciates and sincerely congratulates China on that.
Stressing that China’s success has sent a positive signal to the entire world, he said he has firm confidence in the Chinese government and the Chinese people, and believes that China will win the battle soon and grow stronger.
Saudi Arabia and China are friends that stick together through thick and thin, and bilateral relations are developing at a high level, said the king, who thanked China for providing assistance in testing and medical supplies.
The Saudi people will not forget that, and will always stand firmly with the Chinese side, he added.
Saudi Arabia, he said, hopes to learn from China’s successful experience and strengthen exchanges and cooperation in health care and other fields, and believes that the friendship between the two countries will grow deeper and stronger in the joint fight against the epidemic.
Expressing gratitude for Xi’s support for Saudi Arabia in hosting the G20 extraordinary leaders’ summit on COVID-19, the king said the Saudi side hopes to continue to strengthen coordination and cooperation with China within the G20 framework and jointly help the world overcome the current crisis as soon as possible.

