
Customs impounds Dangote truck with smuggled foreign rice in Adamawa



In a renewed fight against the smuggling of foreign rice and other goods into the country, the Nigerian Customs service has impounded a Dangote truck with 150 bags of foreign rice in Mayo-Belwa local government in Adamawa state.

While briefing journalists yesterday in Yola, Area Commander of Adamawa/Taraba command, Comtroller Kamardeen Olumoh, said that the driver of the truck escaped after his men shot the tires of the vehicle when the driver attempted to run away with the illegal goods.

Olumoh said that his command last year generated N168 million, falling short of N29 million, which was their target for 2018, blaming the short-fall on the activities of insurgents, farmers/herders clashes in both Adamawa and Taraba as well as flooding which has affected the roads and the sectarian situation in the Republic of Cameroon.


He stated that his command has seized 1,740 bags of foreign rice, vehicles and other goods including petroleum products with a duty paid value of N59.7 million, pointing out that three suspected smugglers are being tried in relation to smuggling offences

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