
Oseke Greets Obua @ 60



The Honourable member representing Southern federal constituency Hon. Influence Preye Oseke has felicitated with his colleague Hon. Obua Azibapu Fred as he turned 60.

In is words, “On behalf of my family and the good people of Southern Ijaw Federal Constituency, I congratulate a leader of inestimate value, Hon. Obua Azibapu Fred (FNIOS), on the occasion of your 60th birthday anniversary.

Your contribution to the development of Bayelsa State, Nigeria and the legislature is worthy of commendation. Hence I eulogize your contribution and accomplishments in service to our fatherland, efforts that have culminated in your emergence as Member of the House of Representatives in the 9th Assembly.


I pray that the Almighty God will grant you long life, good health, more wisdom and power for leadership.

