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“How Eedris’s Song- Mr. Lecturer Once Saved Me” -Chacha Eke



During my university days at Ebonyi state University, I was that fine babe with much steeze who lives the student baby girl lifestyle on my own budget.

It happened that we were writing an exam when this famous lecturer who was well known for his Baltazar skills, as he had crushed about 60% of my department babes, walked to my spot and wrote on my sheet “SEE ME!!!”

My heart sank immediately because it was his normal “Mondus operandi” for cr#shing babes at that time.


Well, I tried not to cry and told myself I am ready to navigate my way for anything that comes next.

After a short while at the end of the exams, I went to SEE HIM at his office which already had a well furnished bed for the Baltazar work.

I maintained composure, cleaned up make ups in order to avoid anything that would enhance a s#xual appeal from my path, deep down in my heart I prayed for God to help me because this man is a departmental lecturer who can decide to m£ss you up until you sp!ll over without graduating with your mates.


As I arrived at his office, he welcomed me with the suspicious smile like a tiger ready to dev0ur its pr£y, I responded with a straight face as in my mind I was like (who dey follow this mumu laugh).

He started telling me how he has always liked how well composed I am and how I carry myself bla blah bla.

While talking, his hands were already on my shoulders, gently rubbing my back. I ran fever immediately because I was just 22 and never imagined I could be in this situation with a man in his late 50’s.


While on this, my phone rang and a song by Mr Eedris Abdukareem – Mr Lecturer, my then ringtone started playing.

“My lecturer wants to have to have s#x with me, my HOD wants to get down …”

Immediately he heard that song, it was like something just struck his conscience, he removed hands immediately and asked me to leave his office!


I thank God for my life and I pray for our young girls out there in the University who are used by these old men for grades.

