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How Suspect Removed Roof Of Police Cell & Escaped While Officers Were Sleeping



It was a nasty experience for Police officers at Iju Division of the Lagos State Command after a suspected criminal, Koreeb Yunusa, who was detained inside the cell, escaped through the roof while officers on duty were sleeping at the station.

TrackNews reports that the incident happened on 25th June, 2023, in the early hours of the morning.

The suspect was alleged to have broken into the apartment of one Eshiet Imo and stole his money at Ogundimu Arowofela in Iju area of Lagos.


He was arrested and detained in the cell for interrogation over the alleged stealing. However, while he was in the cell, he decided to escape to avoid prosecution.

He noticed that the officers, who were on duty had slept, he then broke both the ceiling and the roof before he escaped.

According to Police sources, the officers on duty on that fateful day later woke up and discovered that Yunusa had escaped through the roof.


The alleged escape caused serious embarrassment to the DPO and other senior Police officers including the rank and file at the station.

The officers began manhunt for the suspect, eventually arrested the 24-year old Yunusa wandering to an unknown destination and brought him back to the station.

To avoid further embarrassment, Yunusa was subsequently charged before the Ogba Magistrate Court on three-count charge for escaping from lawful custody, stealing and wandering.


However, he pleaded not guilty when he was arraigned.

The Prosecutor, Supol Rachael Williams, then asked the Court to give a date for hearing since he pleaded not guilty to enable the Police to prove that she actually committed the alleged offence.

The Presiding Magistrate, Mr. F.O. Ameen, granted him bail in the sum of N100,000 with two sureties, who must show evidence of means of livelihood, tax payment and addresses verified by the Court.


The matter was adjourned for mention while the defendant was remanded in custody at the Correctional Centre at Kirikiri town, Lagos, pending when he will perfect her bail conditions.

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