Landlords Demanding S”x From Single Ladies Who Have No Money To Pay Rent In Lockdown
TRACKING___Too many issues to tackle at the same time in the US. The Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women in the US has received an increase in reporting of landlords preying on tenants’ financial stress during the Coronavirus pandemic to request s*xual favors in exchange for rent payment.
According to Vlad TV, the commission disclosed that only 69% of American renters were able to make rent on April 1 due to recent layoffs and furloughs.
Immigration Attorney, Kevin Block says instead of asking for rent, some landlords are asking for ‘other arrangements’ and even sending graphic s*xual images to female tenants.
“I am concerned because reported incidents indicate a greater number of unreported incidents,” Block said.
Khara Jabola-Carolus, the Executive Director also confirmed the s*xual harassment by landlords saying:
“There was no plan upfront to prepare for the physical and sexual violence from the combination of shelter-in-place, lost income and systemic sexism. So we need to get the information on rights and resources out as fast and wide as we can. There is help.”