Landlords who rent house to Yahoo Boys will be jailed for 15 years – EFCC
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, (EFCC) is set to start prosecuting landlords that rent out apartments to internet fraudsters commonly known as Yahoo Boys.
The anti-graft agency made this known via its official Instagram page while calling on members of the public to attend a town hall meeting themed; “Landlord: Give Your House to Yahoo Boys, Spend 15 Years in Jail” to hold on June 29, 2022.
It wrote; ”Okay now! What a juicy topic! E go sweet wella! Landlord way yaho-boy dey stay for him house, my people, na 15 years imprisonment for the landlord o! E don set!
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”The #EFCC is pleased to invite the general public to the tenth edition of #EFCCConnect an open forum with members of the public as we discuss, “Landlord: Give Your House to Yahoo Boys, Spend 15 Years in Jail”.
Date: June 29, 2022 (Tomorrow) Venue: Twitter Spaces @OfficialEFCC Time: 6pm Invite the landlords you know! Make we yan!”