
Masari: Mahadi’s allegations politically-motivated



TRACKING_____Katsina State Governor Aminu Masari has stated that the allegation of misappropriation of funds levelled against his administration by Mahadi Shehu was politically motivated and meant to tarnish the image of his government.

Masari who stated his position while hosting a group known as Board of Trustees; Transparency Advocacy Centre, Katsina State branch, said he wondered how someone would use the holy scripture (Qur’an) and lied, making false allegations against the state.

He said his government had remained transparent in its Incomes and expenditure activities which has been made accessible to the public through the state’s website.


”We are the only state which made provision for the security to sign and collect funds from the government just to ensure transparency and accountability”.


“These allegations have political undertones whereby some people were hired just to tarnish the APC administration and its leadership. We are still on it and we will continue to follow all legal means to ensure the right thing is done.”

Masari urged the group not to just look at corruption from the point of mismanagement of funds but see it from all societal ills, adding that the teacher or any worker who failed to discharge his or her responsibilities was also guilty of corruption.


He advised the group members to be respectful citizens of the state.

Kaduna based businessman, Mahadi Shehu, had in a publicised interview accused the Katsina State Government of misappropriating some N24, 000, 000,000 from security votes and that more than N52 billion was misappropriated in the last five years of the current administration in Katsina State.

He petitioned the EFCC and the ICPC to invite and probe officials of the state government.

