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Mystery Behind The Kogi State Armed Robbery Attack, Questions No One Is Asking



TRACKING____The Kogi State Armed robbery attack which left so many people dead is a matter that need serious investigation as why and how the attack went on so successfully without any Armed robber killed.Some of this questions are very important and need careful thought and examination.What I don’t understand is how those Armed robbers could gain entrance into the police station without any hindrance or questions?When the Armed robbers entered the police station, I believe they should have started their shooting right from the entrance gate, when the shooting started, didn’t others inside heart the souls of the bullet that they should take cover and ready their arms?One of the female officers killed during the attackI believe police officers are supposed to be with weapons in their place of work, how could this Armed robbers carry out this attack without any reason exchanged fire at least to neutralise one of the Armed robbers?If you observe closely, you will see that those Armed robbers came to neutralize the police station and the officers so that they can carry out their armed robbery in the bank without any interruptions which was exactly what happened.In police station, there are hidden places where some special unit hid in case of emergency like this, Is there no special hiding place for this special unit?Another female officer killed during the attackThe main function of this special units in the police station is to intervene when necessary because they are always Armed to the core.I also recalled that the bank robbery lasted for some hours, is that the only police station within that zone?Why won’t others zonal police be contacted immediately to come intervene on the situation?A male officer killed during the attackSo many lives were lost that day, the police should carry out thorough investigation if there is any sabotage, let them check if there is any Officer Who was supposed to be at work that day of the attack but didn’t come, I think the investigation should start from there.And they should also use the bank’s CCTV cameras to see if they can trace any one of the Armed robbers.

