
Anglican Church rubbed sandpaper on the APC, it’s irrational to prioritise peace and stability over political survival in 2023.



Ibekimi Oriamaja Reports

All Progressives Congress (APC) was slammed by the Anglican Communion on Wednesday for running a Muslim-Muslim presidential ticket, saying it was irresponsible of the ruling party to put Nigeria’s stability and peace ahead of its own political survival.

During the 2022 Pre-Synod briefing in Abuja, Nigeria, Kubwa Diocese Anglican Bishop Rev. Dr. Duke Akamisoko made this known.


“It’s totally unacceptable to the Anglican Communion,” he said when asked about his reaction to the party’s all-faith ticket.

The Muslim-Muslim ticket, on the other hand, is a demonstration that there is no respect for religious diversity, polarization in Nigeria, the plight of Christians in Nigeria, and the sentiments of Christians in Northern Nigeria, among other things, according to Akamisoko.

A slap in the face to the entire Christian faith. As the ruling APC party in Nigeria has already made its decision, it is up to Nigeria’s Christian community to follow suit.


To justify such a self-serving decision by the APC, it is impossible to do so. When the APC puts its political survival above the stability and peace in its country, it is reckless.

His opponents and President Muhammadu Buhari’s choice of a Christian running mate over the Muslim-Muslim ticket in 2015 should have taught us something.

Christians in the Northern part of the country are offended by a Muslim-Muslim ticket. The APC claims that no Northern Christian can serve as the party’s vice-presidential candidate because of their beliefs. According to the APC, no Northern Christians can help it win because they lack political value. “There is no doubt about it, no.”


Also on his agenda were the ongoing university lecturers’ strike, insecurity, the fight against corruption, and the general elections scheduled for 2023.

The Anglican Bishop cautioned on the five-month-old university workers’ strike that any country that does not take education of its youth seriously is already preparing for a day of reckoning.

It’s been a long time since ASUU, NASU, and ASUP went on strike together. As a result, this could have a devastating impact on our country.


An idle hand is a devil’s workshop. In terms of national security threats, out-of-school youth are more likely to engage in criminal activity than those who are in school.

During the ASUU strike, Nigerians and the country as a whole suffered greatly as a result of the government’s decision to give up on our young people.

For the sake of a brighter future, the federal government should put more emphasis on education, said the author of the piece.


“As it stands today, nowhere can be considered safe again,” he said. The roads and trains in our country are no longer secure. Many Nigerians are clearly unable to afford to fly, as evidenced by this fact.

Worship, schooling, and even staying at home are no longer safe places to be in this country. There has never been a time like this in the country’s history.

As citizens, we expect this letter to serve as a wake-up call to the government, reminding it of its duty to safeguard the lives and property of its people at all costs.
He claims that the Federal Government has failed Nigerians in the fight against corruption.


“The rate at which corruption in the country is increasing is alarming,” Akamisokos said. The rate at which public officials waste taxpayer money is unprecedented.

“We call on all anti-corruption agencies to wake up and adopt a high level of professionalism.”

“We are adamant that every corrupt leader be brought to justice in order to serve as a deterrent to others.”


“As the 2023 general elections approach, we urge Nigerians of voting age to obtain their PVCs and go above and beyond on election day to fulfill their civic responsibility,” he said.

“Nigerians must understand that by voting out bad leaders and electing visionary leaders who can lead Nigeria to its promised land, we can control our destiny.”

“We challenge party candidates who have already begun campaigning for our votes to focus on issues that can improve Nigeria rather than petty issues.”


“We want them to understand that one day, they will have to account to God, the ultimate and final judge of all mankind.”

“We implore the Electoral Body to carry out its mandate impartially, without regard for favor, bias, or sentiment.”

“When the body holds the election in 2023, it should make certain that it is free and fair.” This is the only way to reestablish Nigerians’ trust in their country.”


Governance that is ineffective

The Bishop blamed the country’s terrorism, banditry, kidnapping, and other vices on poor leadership.

“We challenge leaders at all levels of government to provide social amenities that can make Nigerians’ lives more comfortable,” Akamisoko said.


He emphasized, however, that the Anglican Church in Nigeria’s capital city has decided to invest heavily in the nation’s health and educational development by constructing a 250-bed state-of-the-art hospital and a comprehensive secondary school as part of its social responsibility.

