
As I Was Praying In The Bush, All Of A Sudden Something Told Me To Stop, And I Stopped- Pst Adeboye



During a Sunday service, Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, recounted a significant event from years ago.

At that time, the church camp was mostly covered in dense bush, and Pastor Adeboye preferred walking along secluded footpaths to pray undisturbed. On one such occasion, he was engrossed in prayer, relishing his communion with God. Suddenly, an inner voice compelled him to halt his steps.

Pausing, he realized that he was on his usual route and noticed an object ahead resembling a log. Perplexed, he assumed someone had felled trees but left them behind.


However, as he focused intently, the “log” seemed to be in motion, and upon closer inspection, he discerned a massive python blocking his path. Encounter with pythons in those days was not unusual in the jungle-like environment.

The python, aware of Pastor Adeboye’s recognition, raised its head menacingly, preparing to strike. Though unarmed, he instinctively stepped backward, but fortuitously, his gaze fell upon a sizeable rock placed strategically by God. From there, the outcome becomes self-evident—using the rock as a weapon, Pastor Adeboye overcame the python, and his life was preserved.

According to him, “Years ago, I was walking in the camp; the camp was still more than 95% bush, and I love to walk in the footpath in the Bush to pray so that nobody will disturb me, and I was going about, I was praying, I was enjoying myself because I was with God, and all of a sudden, something told me to stop. And I stopped, so I realized that this is my normal route, and I could see something on the road; it looked like a log of wood, so I thought maybe somebody came and cut down some trees, but they didn’t carry them back to their place.”


“But all of a sudden, it looks as if the wood is moving, and when I looked closely, I saw a huge python right across my path, and in those days, we saw pythons almost every day. That jungle was my python’s investment.

This is a python, and the moment the thing saw that I recognized it, it raised its head to attack me. Of course, I moved back a little bit, and I had no weapon, but as I turned to my right, I saw a big rock; after all, it was already positioned there by God. I don’t need to tell you the rest of the story. The python died, and I’m still alive.”

In this compelling tale, Pastor Adeboye described an incident during his solitary walks in the bush-filled church camp. Engrossed in prayer, he was suddenly prompted to stop, leading him to discover a large python obstructing his path.


Pastor Adeboye had encountered pythons frequently in that environment. The serpent, upon realizing he had noticed it, poised to attack. With no weapon at hand, he deftly sidestepped, only to find a conveniently placed rock nearby. Utilizing this divine provision, he triumphed over the python, emerging unscathed from the encounter.

Sharing a personal experience, Pastor Adeboye recounted a time when he regularly walked through the bush in the church camp to pray undisturbed. On one occasion, an inexplicable prompting compelled him to halt, and he noticed an object ahead that resembled a fallen tree.

Upon closer observation, he realized it was a moving python—a common sight in those days. Realizing the danger, Pastor Adeboye instinctively retreated, spotting a large rock nearby. Taking advantage of this God-given opportunity, he successfully overcame the python, surviving the ordeal unharmed.

