
Asari Dokubo: I Have Pains In My Waist, And I Have Been Undergoing Treatment For A Long Time



Alhaji Asari Mujahid Dokubo took to Facebook yesterday to address his current issue of persistent discomfort in his waist. Asari Dokubo mentioned that, he has been receiving medical attention for a while, and emphasized the significance of making sure, he attended the pilgrimage to Mecca this year.

He stated in the video that, Numerous narratives are circulating about my situation, but I want to clarify that I am currently in Saudi Arabia, and in good health. There is no issue with me whatsoever. Many of you have come across a video falsely claiming my arrest, but that video is quite old, and I was never actually arrested.

He continued, Despite facing various obstacles, I made a firm decision to be present at Arafat this year, due to the persistent pain in my waist. I have been undergoing treatment for a considerable period, and despite the challenges, I summoned all my strength to ensure my presence here. It was a resolute choice that I simply had to be here.

