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Bayelsa State, joins the rest of the country to mark National Enviromental Sanitation day on June 28, 2024



As Bayelsa joined the rest of the nation in celebrating National Environmental Sanitation Day, the Commissioner of Environment Honourable Ebi Ben Ololo has declared the day as a day dedicated to promoting cleanliness and raising awareness about the importance of maintaining a healthy environment.

He said this year’s theme, “Environmental Sanitation in the Era of Climate Change. Stay clean, climate change is real!” resonates deeply with the challenges we face in our ever-changing world.

In a state wide broadcast Honourable Ben Ololo reminded Bayelsans that as all stakeholders gather to mark this significant day, it is essential to recognize the critical role that environmental sanitation plays in mitigating the effects of climate change.


Our actions, both individually and collectively, have a profound impact on our environment and the health of our communities.
Climate change poses a significant threat to our state, our nation, and our planet. Rising sea levels, increased temperatures, and unpredictable weather patterns are just a few of the consequences we face. However, by adopting proper sanitation practices and embracing a cleaner lifestyle, we can contribute to the fight against climate change and protect our environment for future generations he added.

The Commissioner Stated that, here in Bayelsa State, the Government is committed to leading by example.

Therefore, efforts to improve waste management, promote recycling, and reduce pollution are crucial steps towards achieving a sustainable and resilient environment.
He therefore, enjoins every citizen to actively participate in keeping our surroundings clean. Simple actions such as proper waste disposal, reducing plastic use, and supporting green initiatives can make a significant difference.


Let us also take this opportunity to educate ourselves and others about the importance of environmental sanitation. Awareness and knowledge are powerful tools in driving positive change. Together, we can create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable Bayelsa State he added.

As we celebrate National Environmental Sanitation Day, let us remember that the fight against climate change begins with each one of us. Our collective efforts can pave the way for a brighter and more sustainable future.
The commissioner thanked all Bayelsans for their dedication and commitment to environmental sanitation and urged them to Stay clean, stay safe, and remember all that, climate change is real.

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