
Bribena to Scan News And Others Be Professional And Abide by the ethics Of journalism.



The president and Chief Executive Officer of Baraza Multi-purpose Cooperative Society Arc. Miebi Bribena and it’s management has ask some online news platforms especially scan news, Naijalive TV to be professional and abide by the ethics of journalism.

The management of the cooperative describe the consistent attack, false propaganda and peddling fake news against Baraza and it’s management in order to bring down the cooperative and causing panic within its members and the general public is a known fact that the management refuses their legal services.

To keep facts straight, It would be recalled that Baraza cooperative has existed for a period of a year and two months. Within this period the cooperative has consistently paid all members her profits without any delay.


From the beginning of Baraza the management has engaged different media platforms granting interviews and making pressure statements, but never a day Scan news has sent any of her reporter/correspondent to interviewed any of our management staff neither did it interview a sizable portion of our cooperative members as expected of a responsible media group before reporting a deliberately false and untrue account .

In a press statement made available to news men by the management of the Baraza said,

RE: Bribena’s Attack on the media, an ungoldly disposition


The management has read the recent publication of scan news with the above title and we are persuaded to put the record straight.

It would be recalled that Baraza cooperative has existed for a period of a year and two months. Within this period the cooperative has consistently paid all members her profits without any delay.

As a honourable man who has the best interest of members, he made full disclosure when a policy change in its trading platform derive became operational with negative impact on its core objectives .


This development necessitated a general zoom meeting where certain decisions were collectively taken as measures to manage the situation. The issues were not in any way threatening the continuity of the cooperative as measures were already being taken to manage its effect .

Scan news never interviewed any of our management staff neither did it interview a sizable portion of our cooperative members as expected of a responsible media group before reporting a deliberately false and untrue account. It is therefore unarguably disingenuous for the management of scan news to submit that their news was a product of human concern and was done after careful investigation .

Ironically within this period of sensationally orchestrated false alarm, there are more than a hundred membership request to join the cooperative. Truly people are known to identify with success and not failure .


Professional ethics in journalism compels publishers to get facts correctly before publishing. It is therefore correct to submit that the reportage lacks any ingredient of proper journalism .

This development persuaded members to respond directly to Moses Dickson , owner of scan news. They found his actions untrue, unethical , dangerous and clearly a calculated attempt to create panic and discredit the cooperative.
Such false and evil actions cannot be allowed to gain currency.

Accordingly, Pastor Miebi Bribena granted interviews , released press statement, conducted phone in programs all in a spirited attempt to correct the false impression and to educate the public and members of the cooperative .


Such response truly cannot be interpreted as crude nor unlawful. It is true that the CEO of scanews never denied the fact that he had solicited through his LAW FIRM a contract for a legal retainer-ship and through his MEDIA FIRMa contract to manage the media and cooperate image of the cooperative, a request that the management finds unnecessary.

There is also no iota of truth that the cooperative has taken steps to gag press as alleged by scan news . Rather we have made open disclosure , facts which has been independently verified by other members of the cooperative that equally trades forex on same platform .

While it is true that the CEO of scan news has never been known to work in any establishment since leaving the law school, the CEO of the cooperative has had over thirty years of hard work as a professional architect and entrepreneur managing over ten companies in his line of professional calling. His successes are public knowledge.


Sadly a man whose only known source of funds is his being a brother to a former governor has the temerity to question a successful man.

It is common knowledge that the activities of the cooperative is felt far and near . This has even occasioned the setting up of more cooperatives .

Barr. Moses Dickson must know that the pastoral calling of the CEO has nothing to do with his managerial duties . Pastor Miebi was properly called and has been a Pastor for many years .


Finally, we admonish all our supportive members to ignore scan news and her evil alliances whose aim is clearly not journalistic but as a willing vehicle to blackmail unsuspecting genuine people, he added.

