
Details Emerged As Bayelsa State Government Plans To Train 300 Teachers



By Adeleye Kunle

Bayelsa State Ministry of Education, through the Teacher Training Registration and Certification Board, which is funded by the Education Development Trust Fund, has concluded plans to train 300 Head Teachers of public primary schools in the state, Track News reports.

The training, which aims to bring teachers in the state up to speed with global best practices in the teaching profession, is the sixth batch to be carried out by the government through the Teacher Training, Registration, and Certification Board, which is ably led by the Ag. Executive Chairman, Dr. Stella Peremoboere Ugolo.

Sen. Douye Diri’s Prosperity Government places a high value on the capacity development of educational system operators in the state, and he is committed to continuing with this fruitful program.


As a result, 300 selected Headteachers from public primary schools across the State’s eight Local Government Areas will participate in the mandatory training exercise, following the training of over 1,600 teachers by the Board.

The training program will include twenty (20) resource persons drawn from eight reputable universities across the country, including Professors and Academic Doctors.

