
Famous Adamawa wrestler sentenced to death for killing wife



Adeleye Kunle Reports

Thank-You Grim, a well-known local wrestler in Adamawa State, has been sentenced to death for the murder of his wife, Track News reports.

The Adamawa State High Court, which handed down the sentence, ordered that the man be hanged.

Hon. Justice Nathan Musa, the state’s Chief Judge, handed down the verdict after finding the wrestler guilty of murdering his wife, Kwalla Grim.


On March 24, 2018, the man, who is from the Sili community in Guyuk LGA, killed his wife.

Grim was found guilty of culpable homicide, a capital offense, at the conclusion of his trial.

In his text of judgment on Tuesday, Justice Nathan stated that the prosecution was able to prove with compelling evidence that the convict murdered the deceased.


“As stated in my decision, the convict is convicted of culpable homicide, which is punishable by death.” As a result, my options are limited. I can’t do anything else.

“As a result, the convict is sentenced to death by hanging in accordance with Section 192(b) of the Penal Code Law,” the judge said.

The prosecution had previously stated that the wrestler pushed his wife to the ground and smashed her face with a pestle.


The convict and the deceased, who had been having marital problems prior to the incident, split up in January 2018.

After the couple divorced, the deceased fell in love with another man and decided to marry, so she put pressure on the convict to issue her a divorce letter.

According to reports, the convict, who had previously refused her entreaties, eventually called her to meet him at his home for the divorce letter.


When she arrived on that fateful day, the convict begged her to return to her matrimonial home, but she refused, so he picked up a pestle and repeatedly hit her in the face and other parts of her body.

She fell into a coma and died, to which he later responded by reporting himself to police and confessing to the crime.

