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IYC Calls For Justice For Slain Ijaw Son and Commends Police Commissioner For Taking Action



The Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) central zone is demanding justice for a slain Ijaw son who fell victim to a trigger-happy police officer stationed at Azikoro village as a result of a #100 disagreement.

In a statement made available to newsmen by the information officer IYC Central Zone Comr. Ginah Williams Ikio said, while Council commends the commissioner of police for swiftly taking action against the said officer. This incident highlights the need for accountability and a fair justice system, ensuring that those in authority are held responsible for their actions.

On the 27th day of May tragedy struck in Azikoro village, as an Ijaw son lost his life due to an unjustified use of force by a police officer. The incident has left the family in a state of shock and mourning, while also sparking anger among Ijaw youths who view this as yet another act of police brutality targeting their people.

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The IYC central zone unequivocally calls for justice to be served in this case, urging the relevant authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the actions of the police officer involved. The Ijaw nation deserves transparency, accountability, and a fair judicial process that reflects the gravity of the situation. The life of every Ijaw person carries immense value, and no one should be above the law.

Also,the IYC central zone commends the commissioner of police for swinging into action swiftly and decisively in response to this tragic incident. The IYC recognizes the importance of a strong leadership committed to upholding the tenets of justice and the fair treatment of all citizens.

By immediately marshaling the said officer, the commissioner of police has demonstrated a willingness to hold officers accountable for their actions. This decisive response sends a message that acts of misconduct will not be tolerated within the police force and affirms the commitment to rebuilding trust between law enforcement agencies and the local communities.


The Ijaw Youth Council central zone under the leadership of Comr Ineife Perekosufa is resolved in its pursuit of justice for the slain Ijaw son and ensuring that this unfortunate incident is not swept under the rug. The IYC urges the relevant authorities to expedite the investigation and ensure that the officer responsible faces the full force of the law.

Moving forward, it is imperative to establish measures that prevent similar acts of violence and abuse of power from occurring in the future. The IYC stands ready to work with the police and other stakeholders to foster a better relationship, promote a culture of human rights, and create an atmosphere of mutual respect between law enforcement and the Ijaw Nation.

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