
Labour Party Slams President Tinubu for Using “Outdated Style of Governance”



Mr. Julius Abure, the National Chairman of the Labour Party (LP), has slammed President Bola Tinubu for his “outdated style of governance,” citing the large delegation sent to the recent Climate Change conference in Dubai as evidence.

At the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Benin Lion Bar chapter award ceremony, Abure questioned the logic of sending 1,411 individuals to the conference, considering the country’s dire economic situation. He stated:

“It is obvious that the government of President Tinubu and the All Progressives Congress (APC) are not willing to depart from the circumstances that have plunged the nation into an economic quagmire in the past.”


Abure further questioned the rationale behind taking such a large delegation to the conference, especially while the country is facing significant challenges:

“How can a country that is borrowing money to pay workers’ wages, a country plagued by insecurity, battered by power collapse, where investors are exiting the country by the day fritter away such a humongous amount of resources on a jamboree?”

He compared Nigeria’s approach with that of wealthier nations, stating:


“A sober government should have known that borrowing money to attend conferences while rich nations attended the same event with less than twenty persons bothered on insensitivity and brazen impunity.”

Abure expressed confidence in the Labour Party’s ability to offer a better alternative:

“Nigerians have made their point and they are aware that the nation’s salvation lies with the Labour Party as we approach subsequent elections.”


He dedicated the NBA award, which was presented to him by Justice Daniel Iyobosa Okungbowa, Chief Judge of Edo State, to the youth and millions of Nigerians yearning for a better future for the country.

