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Local Govt Autonomy is Guaranteed by the 1999 Constitution according to today’s Supreme Court Ruling–By Femi Oke



After 25yrs of continuous Democracy the Supreme has Finally Confirmed Local Govt Autonomy following a Suite by PBAT’s APC Govt’s AGF.

Finally our Executhieve Govrs wings have truly been clipped. No more Opaque Management of Local Govt Funds.

The 3rd Tier of Govt can finally do their Constitutional Dities without being Curtailed by Govrs. Local Govt Autonomy & Independence are essential for a functioning Democracy.


Like states I hope LG will now look to make doing business easier within their Localities to generate more LG IGR. Local Govts need to develop Local Agric Settlements Modernise Local Markets, Community Centres & Transport Hubs as well as building Local Roads to ensure Agric Products get to markets instead of Rotting on Farms.

Just like States Local Govts can go into partnerships with local & international Mining Companies and obtain Mining Licences from the Fed Govt to Mine Minerals within their local Govts.

READ ALSO: Tinibu Welcomes Supreme Court Judgement Affirming Constitutional Rights Of Local Govt.


It is the biggest Fraud to say because Mineral Resources are on the Exclusive List Local Govts & States, Companies or individuals can’t Invest in the Minerals Sector.

All they need to do is apply & secure Mining Prospect Licences once sizeable quantities of Minerals are fiund that can be mined Economically they then secure a Mining Licence and then pay Royalties to the Fed Govt.

The State, Local Govt, Corporations & Individuals will still have the benefit of Profits which are far higher than the Royalties. States will also benefit from PAYE on Workers Salaries & pay.


I look forward to the day Ewekoro Local Govt will secure a Mining Licence to mine Limestone in the Local Govt even Ijebu Local Govt can mine Bitumen and Ogun Waterside should be able to seek and get a Oil Block licence to Mine for oil & Gas. The state in addition to.Profits will also receive a share of 13% derivation from Fed Allocation. This is the true meaning of Federation.

Well done to PBAT’s APC Fed Govt fir delivering first stage of Restructuring for True Federalism we all wsnt and deserve a Betta9ja

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