
NGO Recognized by Presidential Amnesty for Changing Notorious Cultists and Others in the Niger Delta



Ibekimi Oriamaja Reports

The Youth Rescue International Development Organization (YRIDO), a non-governmental organization, has received praise from the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP) for making a significant difference in the lives of several well-known and notorious cultists and drug addicts in the Niger Delta.

Col. Milland Dikio (rtd), the interim administrator of PAP, gave the compliment in Port Harcourt during the graduation ceremony for the YRIDO-trained repentant cultists in 2022.

Dikio praised the repentant cult members for deciding to choose a different path in life while being represented by his Special Assistant on Research and Documentation, Mr. Wilfred Musa.


The efforts of the NGO, created by an ex-agitator turned Pastor named Nature Keigha, were credited by Dikio, who urged the government and other institutions in the area to embrace the initiative, with promoting peace in the area.

“We in the Presidential Amnesty Programme are incredibly proud of YRIDO,” he declared. The program is planned to receive cooperation from the Niger Delta region’s governments as well.

These are real people with real life tales to share. They have traveled a challenging route. They know what darkness is, and now they have seen light. They have undergone a complete change.


“We are pleased that they choose to leave the shadows and into the light. We ask God to utilize each and every one of them as motivators and change-makers.

“But I must emphasize that it is still not over. Although they will make fun of you, don’t dislike them. Show them your genuine change from your previous behavior.

“Run away from your history entirely. Always have hope and pray. You paid a price to get here, and you’ll succeed for sure.


We eagerly anticipate this program growing to be a major global event with a global calendar. a program that will take place in stadiums with large crowds.

“We request participation from corporate organizations, all tiers of government, and other entities. We implore all organizations with a stake in the Niger Delta to collaborate with you, assist you, and provide you with the tools you require. As I mentioned previously, the PAP has made the decision to identify with this program.

Kieghe, the YRIDO executive director, stated in his speech that he wanted to see young people reject unproductive lifestyles and embrace a new, moral way of living.


He urged parents to not give up on their children, claiming that there was always a chance that a horrible person may change.

“The folks you see here used to be rejected,” remarked Kieghe. But thanks to what we have given to their lives, they have changed today. We implore them to cling on and put the instruction we have provided to use.

“The instruction we provided them with focused on character development; we have given them a lot of consideration, including advice on how to care for themselves and their surroundings and how to maintain consistency given that they spent 12 weeks within the camp without leaving. Additionally, they learned how to establish and preserve a relationship with God. We therefore have high hopes that they will benefit their families and society as a whole.

