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IYC Congratulates Alfred Kemepado Nimizigha on Commissioner Nomination



The 9th Zonal Executive Council of the Ijaw Youth Council (IYC), Western Zone, has extended heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Alfred Kemepado Nimizigha on his recent nomination as Commissioner for Youth Development by Bayelsa State Governor, Douye Diri.

In a signed statement on Saturday, Comrade Tare Magbei, Information Officer for the 9th Zonal Executive Council of the IYC, praised Nimizigha’s commitment and service to the Ijaw nation, highlighting his significant contributions as the former national secretary of the IYC.

The statement underscores Dr. Nimizigha’s unwavering dedication to the youth and the Ijaw community, expressing confidence in his ability to excel in his new role.


“On behalf of the 9th Zonal Executive Council of the Ijaw Youth Council, Western Zone, led by Comrade Nicholas Igarama, I extend our deepest congratulations to Alfred Kemepado Nimizigha on his well-deserved nomination as Commissioner for Youth Development.

“Nimizigha has consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership and commitment to the Ijaw cause. His nomination is a testament to his hard work, dedication, and the trust placed in him by Governor Douye Diri,” Magbei said.

Magbei further highlighted Nimizigha’s achievements and his vision for the youth of Bayelsa State, expressing optimism about the positive impact he will have in fostering youth development and empowerment across the state.


“Nimizigha’s track record speaks volumes about his ability to drive meaningful change. As the former national secretary of the Ijaw Youth Council, he has played a pivotal role in advocating for the rights and development of the Ijaw people.

“We are confident that his tenure as Commissioner for Youth Development will bring about significant advancements and opportunities for the youth of Bayelsa State,” Magbei added.

The IYC’s endorsement of Nimizigha’s nomination reflects the broad support he enjoys within the Ijaw community.


As the Bayelsa State House of Assembly prepares to confirm his appointment, there is widespread anticipation and hope for a transformative era in youth development under his leadership.

Governor Douye Diri’s nomination of Dr. Nimizigha is seen as a strategic move to harness the potential of the youth in Bayelsa State, leveraging his experience and dedication to drive progressive policies and initiatives aimed at empowering the younger generation.

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