
Nigeria Has Come Too Far To Be Thinking Of Breaking Away – Ganduje



Kano State Governor, Abdullahi Ganduje has called on Nigerians to embrace dialogue, respect and understanding to resolve their differences, saying the country has come too far for anyone to think of breaking away.

Ganduje gave this charge Thursday at a one-day North West Citizens Summit for National Integration, Peace and Security organised by the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) in Kano.

He stated that the theme of the conference reflected the reality of the country, noting that his penchant for national integration and cohesion informed his desire to give rights to everyone living in Kano to be recognised as indigenes among other efforts which have made the state one of the most peaceful states in the country.


He was represented by Alhaji Usman Alhaji, the Secretary to the State Government (SSG), at the event.

Ganduje said Nigerians should take a cue from what happened in countries like Rwanda and Somalia to embrace dialogue, respect and understanding as the only way to resolve differences.

