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Obaseki: Ize-Iyamu is yet to congratulate me



TRACKING___Godwin Obaseki, still celebrating his victory as winner of the recently concluded governorship election in Edo State, has said that he is yet to be congratulated by his contender, Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu.

Daily Times reports that Obaseki, who contested under the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) polled 307,955 votes to defeat, Osagie Ize-Iyamu of the All Progressives Congress (APC), who garnered 223,619.

This have won him a second term as governor of Edo State.


Obaseki, speaking during an interview on Channels Television’s News At 10 on Sunday, said his victory didn’t come as a surprise to him.

“I feel very happy just watching the responses, reactions from citizens of Edo State across board. For me, I have never seen a group of people react so spontaneously with such excitement,” he said.

READ ALSO: Reactions as Obaseki wins Ize-Iyamu’s local government area


When asked on his plans to reconcile friends and associates who are aggrieved with the outcome of the election, Governor Obaseki said his doors are always open.

The governor also said his major rival in the contest, Ize-Iyamu had yet to congratulate him on the election victory.

With the elections over, Obaseki admitted that there is so much work to be done in the next four years, adding that his administration is ever ready to partner with his opponents on how to move the state forward.


“There is so much work ahead of us. I believe there is room for everybody to contribute. My doors are wide open for talks and consultations,” he added.

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