Ogbia Female Councilor Writes Gov. Diri On Easter.
Your Excellency sir, I bring you good wishes on this season of EASTER;
Sir, I am the Councilor representing the good people of Ogbia Ward 2, in Ogbia local Government Area of Bayelsa State of Nigeria.
I sincerely and whole heartedlly thank and appreciate your kind espidition of release of funds to the 105 wards in Bayelsa State, which is pivotal in your adminstration inline with your drive to take governance close to the people as a kick back in making everyone under your regime feels the impact of the prosperity cum miracle Government, may God almighty bless and guide your family,
Your Excellency sir,
I wouldn’t bore you much in my piece but plead to poke into your quiet time, this my plight so to give my people what it’s of your adminstration;
As a councilor representing fabulous characters of Ogbia ward 2 I’ve been able to deliver in constructing a concrete bridge linking two sides of my community that was a one foot wooden bridge which made it difficult for the people at the other side to access our community freely.
I plead with you as popularly saying, from your widows mind to please award and release funds to enable me link the road and renovate the health centre as it’s the only source health facility the people can access but in dilabitated state, as they bearly ve little or no fund to other cares like the FMC’s and the privates hospitals, sir, this will give the bridge a face lift as it serves a part to the health centre,
Here Bellow enlisted:
(1) Procurement of the health centre equipments / facilities.
(2) conversion of the road to a concrete road
(3) Renovation of the blocks both the pharmacy and the quarters.
I will be so greatful if my request is given quick consideration and treated as urgency sir.
Attach are the view of the pictures inscripted for clear evidence
Yours sincerely sir,
Hon, Onem Tyna Miracle
Counsellor Ogbia ward2 of the 8th Assembly