
Muslim-Muslim flight: The quickest route from Nigeria to the Islamic Caliphate



Ibekimi Oriamaja Reports

By choosing to run on a Muslim-Muslim ticket, Bola Ahmed Tinubu put Nigeria on the fastest path toward becoming an Islamic Caliphate. Unfortunately, if Tinubu were to win, Nigeria would be on a precipice from which it would be impossible to determine where the country’s religious balance would lie.

And if you believed that Tinubu would be deliberate and conscientious in his decisions because to the apparent ethnic, religious, and economic difficulties. You are as far from reality as is conceivable in that situation. Tinubu appears more like a man trying out for a different courage championship. He disregards prudence this time and doesn’t care how Nigeria is perceived by the outside world as a result.

By choosing to run on a Muslim-Muslim ticket, Tinubu made it clear that he was not running for president of Nigeria on the basis of the country’s 50% Christian population. Additionally, he implied that his race had nothing to do with democracy or an inclusive Nigeria. He would make decisions that unite Nigerians if it is about democracy. Instead, he exacerbated Nigerians’ divisions in order to advance his political ambitions and win the presidency.


But regrettably, this decision demonstrates Tinubu’s blatant insensitivity to the worries of Nigerians who do not practice Islam. It is alarming that a presidential candidate representing a significant political party chose to support a Muslim-Muslim ticket. It might be a sign that Nigeria’s time as a multicultural nation is up. However, it might also be the most heinous and callous political action in the history of any democracy.

The fact that Nigerians are not required to accept it is a plus. Instead, Nigerians must reject it on moral grounds and because it is a poor first impression of the would-be president. The first selection that gives voters a glimpse into a candidate’s mindset and the kinds of policies they want to pursue if elected is choosing a running mate.

Consider how Joe Biden signaled that, if elected president of the United States, his policies will take into account the needs of women and African-Americans by selecting Kamala Harris as his running mate. Biden allayed the concerns of two groups of the American population with a single decision. Furthermore, he demonstrated that democracy is constantly about expanding the big tent, even in a more tolerant democratic culture like the United States.


However, this is not the situation in Nigeria, as Tinubu’s decision demonstrates. He has no interest in advancing or bolstering the democratic big-tent principle. Instead, he worries about when it will be his turn to lead Nigeria. Meanwhile, non-Muslim Nigerians worry that Tinubu’s Muslim-Muslim ticket may spell the beginning of Nigeria’s demise as a secular state. Additionally, it might put an end to Nigeria’s reputation as a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-religious society.

To fully appreciate Tinubu’s insensitivity, keep in mind that even Buhari lacked the guts to pick a Muslim as his running partner. The only plausible answer is that Tinubu believes he is entitled to lead Nigeria. However, his election as president on a Muslim-Muslim ticket heralds the beginning of a new era in history that may be challenging to foresee or explain. The future of Nigeria will undoubtedly resemble Afghanistan more than any of the Western nations we had always planned to model it after.

And with that, Tinubu, the artist, creates a new perception of Nigeria. Therefore, Tinubu’s candidacy is being resisted by legitimate and suitable religious arguments. He comprehends it, thus it makes sense why there are bogus pastors and bishops to muddy the waters. The faces of their bishops and pastors, however, are something that Nigerians are good at recognizing. Thus, they understood. However, there are other, much stronger justifications for democracy. So please bear with me as I make them.


Edwin H. Land’s statement from 1957 that “the very basis of democracy is in the absolute conviction that people must collaborate and trust the system” will support my argument. However, people’s interests must be represented and protected if they are to collaborate and take part in legal activities that advance the economy and general well-being. The interests of the populace, from economic to social, from religious to ethnic, must be seen as being represented for democracy to be strong. A Muslim-Muslim ticket erodes the trust of Nigeria’s 50 percent Christian population, which represents Muslims. And this is not good for Nigeria’s democracy.

Sadly, Nigeria is already suffering from political mistrust. You would assume that BAT is mature and knowledgeable enough to make decisions that will promote Nigerian unity. He chooses, however, to be the one to plunge the last dagger into the country’s center. However, Tinubu’s supporters encourage Nigerians to ignore all of this and support him. Thus, they blatantly lie to Nigerians. They contend that Nigerians should pay attention to the team’s skill instead. But how could it possibly be about aptitude? The same individuals supported Nigeria’s most incompetent administration ever.

Additionally, they have neglected to address the issue of competency. In a huge, multireligious nation like Nigeria, competency must start with inclusion. A system that will prevent 50% of its population from participating cannot, therefore, claim to be competent right away.


The erosion of democracy will be the most terrifying aspect of Tinubu’s leadership in light of all of this. When the interests of all people are not represented, democracy ends. In fact, if the interests of 50% of Nigerians are ignored, the viability of the country’s democracy is in jeopardy. However, as the saying goes, being prepared is better than being unprepared.

