
Obi-Datti Deputy campaign manager, Balami denies replacing Okupe



The National Deputy Campaign Manager, Obi-Datti Presidential Campaign Council, Engr David Balami has faulted reports speculating that he would be replacing Doyin Okupe as Director-General of the campaign.

Following Okupe’s resignation on Tuesday, reports had emerged that Balami will become the DG of the campaign council.

But in a statement signed by his Media aide, Olusegun Dosunmu, Balami vehemently condemned the publications.


Balami described the publication with the caption ‘Labour Party May Announce Isaac Balami as Okupe’s Replacement’ as fallacious, baseless and false.

The statement reads in part: “The General public may wish to take note and DISREGARD a false publication with the title: Labour Party May Announce Isaac Balami as Okupe’s Replacement.

“My attention has been drawn to this fallacious and very disturbing news with the caption above making the rounds, especially on social media.


“I wish to hereby address the report with the above headline as completely false and baseless. The report was a deliberate falsehood against my person and office in the present political dispensation!

“It was calculated to serve the selfish and dastardly interest of certain remote persons aiming at distracting and derailing the cohesion so far responsible for the unending successes of the Labour Party’s campaigns across Nigeria

