



To His Excellency, Gov. Douye Diri, Executive Governor of Bayelsa State.

Your Excellency,



With heavy heart, and sincererity of purpose, I write to once again express my autmost displeasure for and on behalf of a good measure of Bayelsa youths who are unrelenting and devoted to the growth and development of Bayelsa State through our indefatigable and undefeated party under your watch.

Please permit me to say it’s outrageous that our party’s priorities shamelessly disregard the future of dedicated young members like myself. Despite our unwavering commitment and dedication, most critical stakeholders and I were deliberately overlooked for the recent party ward executive formation and the 15 appointment slots allocated to Ogbia Ward 5.

From the restoration administration throughout the current prosperity administration under Governor Douye Diri, I’ve endured demeaning blackmail and unmerited disappointments irrespective of my loyalty and unflinching commitments.


This neglect is a stark reminder that my party ruthlessly prioritizes its own interests over those of its faithful members, only seeking our support during election seasons.

Ogbia ward 5 is one peculiar and distinct political ward blessed with positions of trust and peaceful citizenry, currently hosting the Ogbia Local Government Chairmanship and a Member of the State Executive, however without missing words, I can categorically state here that Ogbia Ward 5 has not at any point help a well coordinated meeting over the supposed privileges due for reliable persons as mentioned above, and if my party has received nominations from any quarters, then I owe no apology but demand due recognition for my contributions over the years.

That my pain may not be misconstrued, bellow are 3 reasons why I shouldn’t only be considered qualified for electioneering season but for engagement with the view to continue developing myself by contributing my quota to the success of the government I worked for, in its bid for a prosperous Bayelsa:


1. I possess the qualifications: age, education, mental fitness, party membership, voter’s card, and impeccable character.
2. I’ve demonstrated unwavering dedication as a registered member, progenitor of the iconic “Sylver APC o- am sorry!” Song, Chairman of PDP National Youth Movement (Bayelsa State Chapter), Member Rep Bayelsa East, B/S PDP Ad-hoc Staffs Training Committee, and Ogbia Ward 5 PDP Returning Officer for multiple elections in 2023.
3. I’m a passionate, creative, and determined individual committed to making a positive impact for a better society and my family, notwithstanding, facing brutal attacks and exile for my enthusiasm.

My party has consistently exploited my efforts, yet I’m always left behind when rewards are distributed in this democratic dispensation, most times through authoritarian, dictatorial, tyrannical, automatical, totalitarian, and desperate political office holders who value less about the party’s and government’s progress but often fear being held accountable, exposed, or challenged by outspoken, independent, and truthful subjects, and therefore use various means to silence or punish such subjects like myself.

Since the administration of Gov. Henry Seriake Dickson till date, I have served and have been serving without any measure of dividend either to myself or those counting on me, and everyone seems to be rather careful with the very personality who believed he’s the lord of the Universe or king in the Jungle. I’ve been patient, but my concerns have fallen on deaf ears severally. Hence, I’m reevaluating my position, and I won’t be held responsible for taking drastic actions to protect my interests.


The party must recognize that loyalty is a two-way street, and my dedication shouldn’t be taken for granted. The consequences of neglecting faithful members will be severe. It’s time for change!

To my ward leaders, I challenge your democratic and goodly impetus while pleading with that only concerted efforts can achieve sustainable development and therefore you all must consider working together respecting individual offocial capacities, retrieve any recent nominations from Ogbia Ward 5 and give all stakeholders a sense of belonging by calling for an all inclusive critical stakeholders meeting, this week hel us go back to the drawing board and resolve for the general interest of the party which will in turn reflect the assurance of preserving everybody’s interest; we are blessed and not cursed to play host to revered positions of trust we must avaoid the old ways or be ready for the consequences.



Mr. Nathaniel Michael Goodnews
Chairman, PDP National Youth Movement, Bayelsa State.

