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Reasons For Relationships Fail



TRACKING____Relationships are not always a jolly ride there will be a lot of hurdles. And only if you cross those hurdles, you can reach your dream destination filled with love and joy.
To provide you with a heads up, here we list the Top 6 reasons why relationships fail along with a few proven tips to overcome them mutually.

Lack of Trust

Reason For Relationships Fail – Lack Of Trust
Lack of Trust is one of the major reasons why relationships fail.

It can be a nagging doubt of emotional infidelity, unreasonable rigidity to a physical affair or something that just doesn’t feel right about the situation.


Firstly, always try to be honest and truthful with your partner to avoid room for unnecessary suspicions.

Second and the most important thing is to be open.

Be transparent with your thoughts and feelings, as Openness is a key to a healthy relationship. Always speak out openly even when you have reasons to be suspicious, and make things clear.


Overall, to have a healthy relationship, Trust must be constantly developed and nurtured throughout the course of the relationship, not just when it’s broken.


Reason For Relationships Fail – Egocentricity
Ego is the worst of all the major destructive factors that has the power to break any kind of relationship.


The word EGO has just 3 letters but it has the biggest power to kill our twelve letter, Relationship, so easily.

Not surprisingly, Egoism is the number one reason why 99 per cent of relationships fail these days.

We all have Ego. But if not managed, it can lead to a big disaster, particularly with your loved ones.


When ego takes over, you end up getting things in your way. As a result, you tend to give priority only to YOUR own contributions and sacrifices while ignoring the efforts of your partner.

Always, be mindful of the fact that it takes two to build a relationship. Therefore, you cannot be the only one to decide each and every action or plans of life.

Ego creates an imbalance in the relationship by making us go away slowly but definitely from our loved ones.


Tips to overcome ego issues:
No one is perfect in this world, everyone has their own pros and cons. So always try to be kind and considerate to your partner.

Make a transition from ‘me’ to ‘we’.

Don’t make everything about you, consider your partner’s views and respect their opinions. Before making any decisions, make sure that they satisfy both of your needs.


When you have arguments try to compromise and focus on mending ties with your partner, no matter whose fault it was.

When nails grow long, we cut nails not fingers. Similarly, whenever there is ego in a relationship cut your ego, not the relationship.

Hence, use every opportunity to feed your love and not your ego.


Compatibility issues

Reason For Relationships Fail – Compatibility Issues
Compatibility is a strong pillar to build your relationship on a solid foundation.

Some couples are together but not comfortable with each other which is due to the lack of compatibility between them.


No matter how much ever they try to get along, they are not just compatible because they hang on superficial differences that don’t matter a bit.

Incompatibility can cause more frustration than it’s worth and can eventually tear down the relationship apart completely.

Tips to overcome compatibility issues:
The person you love will not share exactly the same interests, feelings, thoughts and opinions as yours.


There is no single person on the earth who will be compatible with you in every way. It doesn’t mean that you should be interested in their interests or you too should like what they like.

What you can all do is just know what they like, why they like it and encourage each other’s interests wholeheartedly.

Don’t place unnecessary restrictions on limiting your choices. Respect each others’ views and opinions.


Relationship compatibility can be achieved ONLY if you come out of your comfort zone and cherish the person for who he or she is.

Be supportive and respect his or her differences. It may take some time but you will find a compatible soul mate who will be the way you want.

Poor communication


Reason For Relationships Fail – Poor Communication
Communication can either make or break a relationship.

Poor communication often leads to conflicts in relationships resulting in breakups. Thus, good communication is very important for a healthy relationship.

The closer we are to someone, the more easily we are hurt and tend to hurt the other as well.


Being a couple, both of you should effectively communicate your feelings, whether they are positive or negative.

The success of any relationship relies on one’s ability to communicate well.

Conflicts are common in any relationship. But the real thing is how well we communicate and resolve it at the earliest.

