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The 7 Best Things To Talk About With Your Boyfriend Over Text



TRACKING____You started seeing a guy. When you aren’t together, you text. Texting’s great, but only with the right things to talk about with your boyfriend over text.

Here is a list of the best things to talk about with your boyfriend over text. Let’s get the conversation flowing.

1. His past. Everyone has a past, whether it’s positive or not. And when you’re intimate with someone, you must know their past. What has he done in his past life, what was his childhood like, and do you have similar upbringings?


2. His dreams and aspirations. Everyone has dreams and goals they want to reach in their future. What are his? If you want a deeper and more connected relationship, you need to know what fuels him. Plus, it’s a great question to show him that you’re invested in him.

3. His day. I know this sounds like such a basic question, but it matters! Asking this question sounds simple, but it shows that you care and are interested in his life. Get to know his daily routine and the ups and downs that happened.

4. What his friends are like. If you haven’t met his friends, ask him about them. Eventually, you will meet them, and you’ll be able to see why his friends are important to him. You’ll also discover more about him and the type of people he surrounds himself with.


5. His future. You don’t need to ask him about marriage, but you should ask him what he’s planning to do in his future. Does he want to pursue further education? Move to a different country? Where does he want his life to go? Who knows if this relationship will last, and if it does, are you cool with his future plans?

6. His fears and worries. Everyone has their daily worries and fear. Some of us worry about our jobs, financial situation, or family drama. What are his troubles and struggles? It’s nice to have someone to talk to about this with because everyone is going through something.

7. What are his political and religious views? Man, this is a tough question, but it’ll open up huge topics that many people try to avoid. When you’re dating someone, you can’t avoid this because it’ll pop up into a conversation. It’s only a matter of time. So, get this out of the way and see where he stands on politics and religion.

