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They are still shooting at Lekki- DJSwitch says (videos)



TRACKING___All celebrities that supported the #ENDSARS movement in Nigeria should be careful, I am sure they will start picking them one by one soon… As for those tweeting, please turn of the locations on your phones so you are not tracked …. The northerners military is only repeating the 1970 civil war, trying to suppress a people…. buratai, is blood thirsty. I hope the money they gave the thugs is still in their accounts abi?? You sold your brothers for 5000 naira, hope the money never finish oooooi, foolish touts… Hope u keep spending it till infinity.?? These are intimidation tactics, TINUBU you are going down … !! Lives are collateral damage for you abi?? Until when one of your families is harmed that’s when u will understand that 1 live is as important as millions also ..

