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Udom to complete Itu Car Assembling plant, roads before end of tenure



…Canvasses Support for Eno; Takes over community school Oku Iboku

Akwa Ibom Atate Governor, Mr. Udom Emmanuel assured at the weekend that his administration would complete the car assembling plant in Itu Local Government Area of the state and ongoing road projects in the area before handing over next year.

The State Governor and leader of the Peoples Democratic Party in the state, made the declaration on Saturday, while leading the governorship campaign train of Pastor Umo Eno to Itu Local Government Area for a rally ahead of the 2023 general elections.


Governor Emmanuel further announced the takeover and management of the Community Secondary School, Oku Iboku, with effect from January 1, 2023, and directed the state’s Inter-ministerial Direct Labour Committee to rehabilitate school to meet the new status.

The Governorsaid, “I want to assure the major stakeholders here that 50 percent of the four major roads we are undertaking here, including Mary Slessor, will be commissioned before I leave office. Again, with effect from January 1, 2023, Akwa Ibom State government will take over the ownership and administration of Community Secondary School, Oku Iboku, as the paramount ruler requested.

Governor Udom however urged the people of Itu not to pay attention to the lies and political blackmail being peddled against his administration by political opponents, pointing out that the federal government had cleared the air on the true position of the 13 percent oil derivation refunds, which hàs effectively exonerated the state government from any form of misdeed.


Governor Emmanuelsaid, “Don’t mind all the blackmailers and naysayers. The Presidency came out on their own to tell Akwa Ibom people not to listen to those lies against your governor because he did not collect the the so-called money they claimed he received. You can see how the Federal government has for the first time come out to exonerate a governor,” he stated.
The gubernatorial candidate of the PDP, Pastor Umo Eno, promised to start his agricultural revolution in Itu, create tourism centres to generate revenue and employment for the youths and resolve the lingering boundary problem with neighboring states and Itu as well as collaborate with the Federal government to address the ecological challenges facing the area.

Pastor Eno also promised to address the issue of indiscriminate parking of trucks along the highway by building a park within his first 100 days in office and assured of completion of the Ibom Science Park to engage the youths meaningfully.

Earlier, the State PDP Chairman Elder Aniekan Akpan, had thanked the governor for providing effective leadership that has attracted majority of the people in the state as evidenced in the number of defectors from APC and YPP to the PDP.


Akpan called on the electorate to vote for Pastor Umo Eno, assuring that he will make the state proud when he assume the saddle of leadership as governor.

While welcoming the party faithful to his domain, the Chairman Itu LGA, Ettetim Onuk, expressed appreciation to the governor for leading the campaign train to Itu to canvas support for PDP in the forthcoming election.

Onuk described Umo Eno as God’s gift to the people of Akwa Ibom, adding that Itu remains a PDP fortress having adopted him as their son and preferred gubernatorial candidate for the 2023 general elections.

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