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US grants AIT reporter Ohimai Amaize asylum



TRACKING> Ohimai Amaize “Mr Fix Nigeria”, has been granted asylum in the United States of America.
The former presenter joined AIT in 2018 and anchored the popular morning programme “Kakaaki Social”.

US grants AIT reporter Ohimai Amaize asylum
An alleged confrontation occurred between the government and AIT, which led to the 24 hours shutdown by NBC, over multiple infractions on federal guidelines for broadcasters.

Amaize, who alleged regular threats to his life by Nigerian security agents, fled to New York together with his wife.
Amaize in an email sent to Premium Times,
revealed that he has just been granted asylum in the United States:
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US grants AIT reporter Ohimai Amaize asylum


“I have just received notice of my asylum approval. My forced exit from Nigeria last year has been a very traumatising experience for me and my family. I am very happy and I thank God for this development. I can now live and carry on with my life without the fear of being persecuted by the Muhammadu Buhari regime for the opinions that I express or the work that I do as a journalist. Of course, I miss Nigeria so much because there is no place like home.

I hope that in the not too distant future, Nigeria will return to a true democracy where a free press, freedom of expression and the rule of law are respected.”

