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Why Dickson Should Be Returned Unopposed to the Bayelsa West Senatorial Seat.



▪ See His Records @ the Green Chamber

▪ HSD Chaired many Committees, Co-chaired Others & Sponsored many Bills
▪HSD’S vast experience and robust contributions to national issues

1. Honourable Henry Seriake Dickson was a master of the game in lawmaking. At the Green Chamber, it soon became obvious that Hon. Dickson became a high ranking member of the House. As the Chairman, House Committee on Justice, he had responsibility of leading oversight on the office of the Attorney General of the Federation, the Nigerian Law school, Legal Aid Council and also the Law Reform Commission and treaty obligations of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as well as human rights issues. In all of these, he carried out his responsibilities with dedication and patriotism.


2. Soon, he was appointed Chairman, House Committee on Justice, and member of several committees including Defence, National Security, Intelligence and Foreign Affairs.

3.Back home in his constituency, the people were full of admiration for his work and returned him to the House of Representatives in April 2011 where he now chaired the House Committee on Special Duties.

4. At the National Assembly, he sponsored/co- sponsored several bills, which include:


▪The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission(Establishment) Act (Amendment) Bill, 2009.

▪The Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences (Establishment) Act (Amendment) Bill, 2009.

▪The Political Parties(Internal Democracy)Bill, 2008.


▪The Constitution Alteration Bill, 2010.

▪The Legislative Houses, Powers and Privileges Act (Amendment) Bill, 2009.

▪The Evidence Bill, 2009.


▪The Kidnapping and Hostage Taking (Prohibition) Bill, 2009.

▪He also played a prominent role in the enactment of the following bills:

▪The Freedom of Information Bill, 2007.


▪The Court Ordered Elections (Streamlining of Tenure of Office) Bill, 2008.

▪The Prevention of Terrorism Bill, 2009.

▪Transmission of power by a President or Governor amendment Bill (section 145), 2010


▪Ammendment of the Evidence Act, 2009 the first ever of such amendment since 1954.

Many of the bills he spearheaded or made critical inputs into provided the framework for the amendment of the 1999 Constitution and Electoral Act.

Against the backdrop of these achievements, stakeholders including youth groups and women alike have thrown their weight behind H.E. Dickson as the next Senator to represent Bayelsa West Senatorial District at the National Assembly.


The choice of Honourable Henry Seriake Dickson is predicated on his vast experience and robust contributions to National issues, including his advocacy for restructuring.

Since 1999, he is the only person who has broken the jinx as the only two-time Governor of Bayelsa State. On account of his dynamism and excellence in Statecraft, Bayelsans across partisan boundaries have built a concrete wall of support around him.

For some Bayelsans, his ambition to the Senate should be automatic without opposition. The general consensus is that former Governor Dickson has served community, State and the Ijaw Nation and compensating him with the Senatorial seat is one way of appreciating service in the Ijaw Nation.

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