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Why I am aspiring for National Spokesman of IYC Worldwide- Amangala



TRACKING____ ” Write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry”.
Habakkuk 2: 2- 4

My fellow brethren and comrades of Ijaw nation. I have come to you; this day to inform you of my intention to aspire for the position of the National Spokesman of the Ijaw Youth Council ( IYC) Worldwide.

I consciously chose to throw my hat in the ring, for the position of the National Spokesman because of the burning desire in me to add refreshness and vitality in the management and propagation of information in the Council. Furthermore, I am abreast with the handling and management of the 21st Century Information Infrastructure, and this I will deploy to serve Ijaw nation with zeal, and to effectively channel issues that affects us to both local and global audience.


I have dedicated a greater part of my earthly sojourn to advance, advocate and stand in defence of a cause I believe in and hold dearly. First, as a Student Union leader. Secondly, as a human right advocate and a Crusader for Justice. We are in a very critical time in our history as a people, and this requires that; the voices that will speak for us, should not be tainted with partisanship, immorality and grab it all mentality.

What I am bringing to the table are thus; issues that will engender a renewed national and global consciousness in pan Ijaw nationalism. The Kaiama Declaration will be the guiding ethos and creed.

Some of the things I intend to achieve, if given the privilege to serve are:


1) To courageously and fearlessly articulate the position of our people, the Ijaw nation to both local, national and global audience.

2) To liaise with the various information managers at the Clans, Ogbo’s, Chapters and Zone, for effective co- ordination and synergy with the office of the National Spokesman.

3) I will initiate capacity building workshops for these information managers and gatekeepers to enhance their resourcefulness and effectiveness in the service of Ijaw nation.


Together with the rest of the members of the National Executive Committee, issues of immense concern to the Ijaw nation would once again occupy the front burner of local, national and international discourse.

I wish to appreciate all those that had one time or the other served as National Spokesmen of the Ijaw Youth Council ( IYC) Worldwide, they have contributed immensely to some of the things; we have achieved as a people. I am therefore seeking their support and the support of other stakeholders of the Council, delegates and other well- meaning individuals in Ijaw nation to enable me step into their shoes.

The greatness of Ijaw nation shall not wither away!


God bless Ijaw nation !!

Thank you all and God bless.

Aaaaaaah Izon!


Asawana! Wanna!!

