
Why schools alumni must seize opportunities in politics to unite Nigeria – Magaji



Active political participation by alumni associations of Institutions remains an indispensable means of correcting the poor trajectory of education and disunity in Nigeria.

This is according to the President, Unity Schools Old Students Association (USOSA), Micheal Magaji, who maintains that rather than lamenting the assumed poor education system in Nigeria, graduates of great institutions must embrace the next political dispensation to change the narrative.

Magaji also stated that education in Nigeria can be restored to its former glory and unity restored if stakeholders develop an interest in politics and bring in the diversity they were taught as students to foster unity.


During a presentation at the 39th Annual General Meeting of USOSA, with the theme: Project Nigeria Unites: “Unity and Good Governance, Panacea for Sustainable Development,” Magaji said, Nigeria cannot be what it should be without Nigerians.

He said many Nigerians who are products of Federal Unity Colleges were nurtured amid peers from various parts of the country, trained to accept diversity and thrive among different ethnicities all in an effort to create a true unified Nigeria.

Buttressing his position for political inclusion, he said ”when we take into cognisance the diversity, the spread, the strive, I dare say the tribal discord going on, there’s no better person to bring out Nigeria than a Nigerian. It can not fall from above”.


“This is why Unity schools have decided to promote the Nigeria Unite agenda. Let us be who we are, and for once be who we are in the market, what I mean is expressing ourselves, exemplifying that unity in purpose, that unity in understanding across tribes and religions. We can then get the Nigeria that we are meant to be.

“We can not create effective change in our country Nigeria without playing in the political space. We need to get our people who understand and appreciate diversity into the system and let them make decisions that unite us

